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Mountains Here We Come!

Hey Family,
Things are going well. We finished  the week very strong we had 58 accept christ through VBS and door to door ministry. So we are very excited. Please pray for our team they are all getting very homesick.
Sarah is doing well. She has been feeling some morning sickness but no throwing up.
Continue Praying for us.


  1. hey shawn this is david cloud, missionary to brasil, we met at primier lighting a few weeks ago. just a note to encourage you both and thank you for putting us in your contact list. i get frustrated at times wondering why nobody responds to my prayer letters and then it dawned on me that i hadn’t responded to yours at all, so- keep up the good work. may the Lord richly bless you as you serve Him. we head back to Brail in 2-3 weeks, stay in touch. David

  2. 58 accepted Christ…that is astounding news!!! The angels are rejoicing in heaven! You all will be richly blessed for the work you are doing. Our prayers/thoughts are with you.



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