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The End of an Era!

Well, here we are at the end of an era; for Sarah and I at least. You are thinking to yourself what is he talking about, so let me cut the chase. As of this we we are no longer on staff with Adventures in Missions. Sad I know. This decision for Sarah and I to step down has been brewing for a while. It’s no fun to remain in limbo for extended periods of time.   this decision comes through much prayer and council from our Pastors, and mentors, and family. we are convinced that its the correct decision for where the lord is leading us right. now (more on that at a later date). We love Adventures in Missions and will continue to endorse their leadership, and to support them in prayer. We have made so our best friends through AIM and intend to keep those friendships alive.
As for our future, I will be starting Bible college again, and Sarah will be at home being a mommy. 
To our supporters that have been with us for this long haul, thank you so much. You support and prayers have meant more that you will ever know. we pray that God blesses you in ever area of your life.
I will be writing, later on another blog that I have started if you would like to keep us with us, and what God is doing in our lives. that blog is not up yet but will be soon. if you would like to receive that blog send me an email to [email protected] and I will add you to that mailing list.
Thanks to all of the Aim Staff for the experiences and friendships that you have allowed us to have with you. Thanks to all of the students that allowed us to pour into them. Thanks to all of our supporters for making it all possible. We love you all and God Bless you.

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